Info: Directed by Craig Mazin. US 2000, 82min, rated 'R'.
Description: Looking for a great Super-Heroe Movie? Look elsewhere.
Rating: two Jason Masks
Ms Indestructible/Emily: Cute superlady married to an ego-maniac.
The Strobe/Ted Tilderbrook: This would be the ego-maniac.
Power Chick/Nancy: Lesbian superlady.
Deadly Girl: Weird superlady with power to summon demons and enter realm of the dead. Shes in love with Strobe.
Minute Man/Tim Tilderbrook: Strobe's brother. Has no idea what a good superheroe name should be. Is it really that hard to come up with 'Shrinking Man' or is he afraid of the innuendo?
Alien Orphan/Doug: Mentally challenged alien.
Amok: Former villain turned good (more or less)
Nightbird/Shelly: Cute superlady with dumb power. She lays eggs. Not making this up people.
The Weevil/Tony: Major @$$-hole. Having an affair with Ms. Indestructable.
U.S. Bill: Also mentally challenged.
Mr. Smart/Seymore: Maybe smart but looks like complete dork.
Eight: Has amazing power of being eight people at once. Also has amzing power of speaking in riddles and not so amazing power of bad acting.
Sunshine Girrrl: Not a type-O, she says she spells her name with 3 "r"s in the movie. Clearly the producer had increminating photos on Melissa Joan-Hart to get her to be in this movie.
BETTER THAN: The Justice League pilot (barely).
NOT AS GOOD AS: Mystery Men.
"When I save someones life God is working through me, in that way I am god."
"One time I got drunk and released a demon at a party. The demon killed a little boy, I feel partly responsible."
-Deadly girl.
"Can it be shaped like Weevil?"
-the Weevil.