© 1972N/A
Rated N/A91min
Email Scarabus at

William Marshall, Vonetta McGee, Denise Nicholas, Thalmus Rasulala, Gordon Pinsent, Charles Macaulay, Ted Harris, Rick Metzler, Ji-Tu Cumbuka, Logan Field, Ketty Lester, Elisha Cook Jr.

A 17th century African prince named Manuwalde, travels to Europe with his wife Luva to seek an end to the slave trade. The European nobleman they have contacted turns out to be Count Dracula who turns Manuwalde and Luva into vampires. Dracula keeps Luva, but imprisons Manuwalde whom he has dubbed Blacula, in a coffin.

Centuries later a pair of antique dealers purchase the coffin containing Manuwalde and unleash him on the world. Then during one of his nocturnal searches for victims, Manuwalde discovers a young woman named Tina who he believes is the reincarnation of his wife Luva.

It's truly a shame that this well done vampire film was given such a goofy title and may cause fans of the vampire genre to overlook it. William Marshall gives a superb performance as Manuwalde / Blacula and deserves the same recognition I think, that Bela Lugosi or Christopher Lee receive for their roles as Dracula. The rest of the cast is quite good as well and the film is done as a straight vampire film. I would say This AIP release is as good the best of the Hammer Dracula films of the 70's and a notch above the others.

If you like vampire films and have never seen Blacula you should definitely put this on your list of films to see.