John Hart, Ivory Stone, Joe De Sue, Roosevelt Jackson, Andrea King, Nick Bolin, Karin Lind. Plot: A Doctor named Stein uses his experimental serum which aids in transplant operations, to give new arms and legs to the boyfriend of his assistant. The doctors servant however becomes angry after the assistant spurns his advances and messes with the Doctors serum, causing the boyfriend to turn into a square headed, homicidal monster.
Review: This is an utterly terrible movie and not one of those "So bad it's good" ones either. Aside from the wooden acting, unimaginative script and amateurish everything else, this film is incredibly boring. When the boyfriend finally does become a monster, he moves so slowly that it takes forever for anything to happen. Some of the scenes take place at night and the lighting is so bad you can barely see him or anything else.
Blackenstein is a film that even MST3K couldn't salvage.